What we do.
Artotheques are institutions under various patronage: public libraries, cultural offices, museums, art associations, etc. They all borrow original works of contemporary art for a small fee or free of charge, often limited to a period of two to four months. In doing so, we allow our members the opportunity to enjoy artworks at home in peace. During this time-period, the work is not only appreciated by you as the borrower, but also by the extended family and friends.Often reaching a much larger audience than a borrowed book.
Usually we only get a brief view on the pictures in the museum and gallery. What would we think of someone 'starting' 50 books in a library in an hour? Also a work of fine art is only accessible to the viewer over a longer period of time. To make this possible even for those who cannot afford expensive originals is an essential task of artotheques.
If someone wants to buy a picture, this is often possible with the assistance of the artotheque, but it is not expected. Because of the non-binding nature of the loan, fear of thresholds is reduced and people are addressed who would not usually go to a gallery. In addition to the desire to "attract a new audience to art", the artotheques had set themselves the goal from the beginning of promoting art and artists.
Who we are.
The Artothekenverband Deutschland e.V. represents the interests of public art rental institutions in Germany since 2000.
The tasks of the Artothekenverband Deutschland are:
· Informing the public about artotheques in order to make art rental known in Germany as a valuable educational and cultural offering and to clarify the professional profile of the people working in the area of art rentals.
· Exchange of professional experience between the staff of artotheques, graphotheques, the representatives of the organisations of the art rental and independent experts. Annual training events are offered for this purpose.
· Representing the interests of the non-profit art rental in politics and society.
· The Artothekenverband Deutschland can represent its members in higher-level contractual matters.
· The Artothekenverband Deutschland maintains international contacts with artotheques (associations).
Collection and evaluation of information on art rental in Germany. Advice on art libraries e.g. Framework contracts for members for new start-ups (e.g. with VG Bild-Kunst)
· Representatives of the artotheques at state level exist in Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. They are independent associations connected through the Artothekenverband Deutschland and represent the cultural-political responsibility of the federal states in Germany.
The Artothekenverband Deutschland has regular and supporting members. Natural and legal persons under private and public law can become members. The annual fee is 30 euros.
Articles of Association Download
Membership application download
Members of the Artothekenverband Deutschland and the associated regional associations can make use of the agreements in the framework agreement with VG Bild-Kunst on the rights of use of the artists represented in VG Bild-Kunst.
Members of the Artothekenverband Deutschland and the associated regional associations can make use of the agreements in the framework agreement with VG Bild-Kunst on the rights of use of the artists represented in VG Bild-Kunst.